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Rainbow Living Probiotics


Thank you for taking the time to read this introduction to our company, we would like to welcome you to the website of Rainbow Living Probiotics. We are a small family run business located at Eviron in the beautiful Tweed Valley of Northern NSW, we are passionate about the vital importance of having a healthy gut.

Rainbow Living Probiotics was founded in 2014 by Emma Peel, a regular mum beginning a personal journey in gut health repair using living probiotics. A major focus was to also find a healthy drink for her son to enjoy that wasn’t full of sugar, colour and preservatives. With positive changes being noted personally along with the added surprise of successfully getting amazing probiotics into a picky child that was now thriving, It soon became apparent it was too good not to share with others.  After much research and testing, this small family business had a talent for crafting a delicious vegan probiotic drink and thus the journey began in operating a beverage manufacturing business for everyone.

Our product is now currently stocked in retail outlets, supermarkets, health food stores, bulk food stores, cafes, service stations, gyms and many more outlets around the northern rivers, gold coast and Sydney.

The positive feedback from both retail stockists and their customers has been incredible, we are so proud, honoured and blessed to be in the position to be able to create our delicious beneficial drink for our customers and to continue to spread the word of the importance of having a happy healthy gut!

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Water Kefir Facts

Have you wondered about gut health?

Research shows there's a profound dynamic interaction between your gut, your brain and your immune system, starting from birth and is vitally important for MOST people, as the majority of people have such poor gut health due to poor diet and toxic exposures in our environment.

Most of us do not recognise or know that digestive problems wreak havoc over your entire body leading to allergies, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, rashes, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, dementia, cancer and much more in people of all ages.

Probiotics and digestive enzymes are paramount to keeping your gut flora and digestive system happy, healthy and functioning properly.

When your gut is balanced and functioning correctly you can begin to enjoy a myriad of other benefits to your body.

Fermented products like our Water Kefir are considered functional foods because they offer a naturally bubbly fermented probiotic drink teeming with beneficial living bacteria, enzymes, pre-digested nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, calories/energy and billions of probiotics making it fantastic for your gut flora, overall health and wellbeing. It is also just simply delicious and refreshing to drink while your body enjoys the health benefits!

The advantage of taking Kefir instead of a probiotic supplement?

Probiotic pill supplements contain just one or a select variety of bacteria, and usually that's it. It's always better to eat something in its whole form when possible, because each part makes the other more digestible.

Rainbow Living water kefir products consist of Lactic Acid Bacterias that include billions of Lactobacillus, L.fermentum and L.plantarum as well as Sporolactobacillus inulinus all beneficial strains that help maintain balance/restore the human gut microbiome.
Lactobacillus probiotic strains found in our product support a healthy gut microbiota and drinking our product is delicious way to maintain and restore it. 


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Our product, passion and vision

Our product is a fermented beverage, the living water kefir grains convert raw organic sugar (don’t worry the culture consumes most of the sugar) into healthy enzymes and probiotics. All parts of this beverage including any floating bits and fruit pulp can be consumed and are very good for you. These are signs that your beverage is ‘alive’!

This great product is made using only organic or spray free ingredients and filtered water. it is raw, dairy free, gluten free, vegetarian friendly, has no preservatives, contains nothing artificial, is full of active enzymes, beneficial amino acids, minerals and is a living superfood.

The kefir culture itself is treated with love and great care, given the best organic mineral maintenance and boosts possible and we put positive energy and love into every batch we create.


Our passion is organic goodness and healthy living and to source all ingredients with great care to make sure you get the best product possible. Our vision is to continue to spread the word on the importance of a healthy gut and the healing benefits your body can experience!

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Home: Our Products

Our Products

Our yummy naturally bubbly product comes in two sizes: 330ml, 750ml.

Our unique signature flavour is a subtle but delicious mix of Orange and Passion fruit with delicious hints of lemon and ginger.

Water Kefir ~330ml and 750 ML Orange and Passionfruiit


Our original flavour and best seller, still a favorite! Orange and Passionfruit Water Kefir.

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Water kefir 330ml and 750ml Ginger Apple and Lemon


Delicious Ginger Apple and Lemon Water Kefir is sure to please many taste buds!

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Water Kefir 330ml and 750ml Pineapple Ginger

Currently unavailable

Our limited edition yummy Pineapple and Ginger Water Kefir is sweet yet tangy and sure to please.  We make this one when produce is available.

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Water Kefir 330ml and 750ml 
Lime Lemon Myrtle & Butterfly Pea

New Addition

Our newest edition Lime, Lemon Myrtle & Butterfly pea is a brilliant colour and delicious slightly floral flavour.

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Blackberry and Lemon Detox

Everything You’re Looking For

Frequently Asked Questions

How can water kefir benefit me?

Drinking water kefir can help you to achieve your optimal health, strengthen your immune system, and help to prevent diseases of all kinds. Most importantly, it restores good digestion - the key to health and longevity. When your body is out of balance, unfriendly opportunistic bacteria and yeasts can take over - producing irritable and bad digestion, food allergies, headaches, flu, skin rashes, and other more serious disorders. Water kefir is something you and your family can drink and use on your skin every day.
•Inhibits the growth of unfriendly bacteria and yeasts, and helps beneficial probiotic microorganisms to colonise and thrive in your digestive tract, and throughout the test of the body (skin, eyes, bladder, vagina, nose, throat, etc).
•Contributes to a healthy immune system.
•Reduces inflammation.
•Helps with the digestion of food and micronutrients. The KEY for health and longevity is good digestion, and a balance of good bacteria are the essential starting point.
•Heals, or reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS) including bloating, indigestion, flatulence,diarrhoea/constipation, nausea, low energy, muscle aches and pains.
•Heals intestinal dysbiosis and SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth).
•Increased energy and overall feeling of good health.
•Can stop unhealthy food cravings, especially for sugars and sweet foods.
•Skin complexion and overall condition improves. Brown liver spots / age spots can fade, as can skin tags, moles, warts etc. It can ease or cure many skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema and acne.
•Hair and nails look healthier, and are strengthened and improved.
•Liver cleansing, as in traditional Chinese medicine, thus easing aches and joint pains, and benefiting the eyes.
•Glandular ( endocrine) system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, ovaries) benefits. Women have healthier periods, some women have periods start again after early menopause.
•A tranquillising effect on the nervous system has helped many who suffer from mood disorders, sleep disorders and insomnia,depression, ADHD and autism.

Do you have a minimum order amount?

Please order directly from our retailers

Can I return purchases?

If your not happy, please talk to us and we will do everything we can to make sure you are a happy customer.
Our products are returnable with a full refund in the event of a recall.

Which countries do you ship to?

At present we are only operating within Australia but are open to discussions with prospective stockists internationally regarding freight etc.

Do you have a food safety program?

We have strict hygiene and food safety plans, adhere to all NSW Food Authority requirements for HACCP, record keeping, food safety, contamination prevention and inspection as req. We have a food safety supervisor and are a registered food manufacturer.

How much water kefir should i drink?

It's smart to start anything new in small amounts, water kefir being no exception to that rule. You may drink as much as you wish eventually, being reasonable. Ask yourself how much juice you would normally consume in a day, making sure not to leave out other important foods or meals. A usual amount is around 1-4 cups daily. Balance is key to good health. Some people struggle with it at first possibly because of its carbonated nature or large population of probiotics (or any combination of those). It is a wise idea in this case to take it slowly to let your body and digestion get acquainted with it. Start with 1/8 cup a day (you can even mix this into a full glass of water or fruit juice at first), then gradually increase to 1/4 for a week or so (maybe skipping a few days here and there to give your body a break). Most people find it helps to first try your kefir with meals, such as a little with lunch. While milk kefir seems to go down well at breakfast, the slightly higher sugar and alcohol content of water kefir may make it more suitable for you around lunch or dinner. After a week or two, try increasing it again in this fashion until you gradually reach amount you wish to consume. Kefir can be used medicinally in large amounts for a short period if desired (such as after chemo-therapy, where 4 cups a day may be helpful). We typically give ourselves a break once a week or so, where we do not consume kefir for at least 1 day. It's never a great idea to eat the same thing continually without a break (just like its never recommended to exercise continually without a break - the body needs time for recovery and variety). In Tibet there's a belief that it's best to drink only 2 cups a day (of milk kefir, though it would make just as much sense with water kefir.)

How long can you store water kefir / when should i drink it by?

It is best to drink kefir within a week or two however Kefir can be stored for quite a long time, since the bacteria and yeast actively and continuously preserve it. My kefir has been lab tested to confirm a best before of 4 weeks. However, this is only a best before and it is at the customers choosing to continue to drink it after this date or not. Water kefir can be consumed after the best before date keeping in mind that the alcohol content can increase and it will get increasingly sour and fizzy over time. Bottles left and forgotten in the fridge for a couple months might smell like pickled juice, or wine upon opening them (though not at all rotten!) and can be a lot more fizzy so take care and open slowly!

How is water kefir consumed in other cultures?

Water kefirhas been used in the Latin culture to make a popular drink known as Tepache (which has grown in popularity recently) and also as the traditional water kefir recipe. Water kefir grains are traditionally known as Tibicos in this culture. 
 It is also popular amongst those who are familiar with the Ginger Beer Plant, a very similar culture that has possible origins from Tibet.

In the region of Bulgaria, 1907, a Russian scientist named Elie Metchnikoff observed that people were living beyond their time. With intensive study he attributed this amazing phenomenon to the water kefir they drank daily.  He discovered that the Water Kefir was boosting their immune systems (how incredible!) and crediting this great increase of health, wellbeing and longevity to the billions of the bacteria Lactobacillus he found in their guts. 


Water kefir can be less well-known internationally than milk kefir currently, but is gaining popularity amongst the fermenting-savvy! We absolutely are passionate about it. 

Is it safe for diabetics?

The bacteria and yeast produce enzymes that break down the sucrose (the double sugar that sugar is composed of) into fructose and glucose. Fructose is digested by the liver and does not spike the blood sugar of diabetics like sucrose or glucose. Because of the fructose, it makes this drink a lower GL. Also the added acetic acids and carbonation from the fermentation lower the GL as well. We've noticed and had people share that the best way for diabetics to consume water kefir is to do a secondary ferment with pure fruit juice (high in fructose) and a portion of the finished water kefir which results in a low-sugar (and low GL) beverage. Our product has undergone a process of secondary fermentation. In conclusion, water kefir is not safe for ALL diabetics, and is ultimately up to you to determine how your blood sugar levels respond after consuming water kefir. 'Ripening' kefir can even further reduce the sugar content (but raise the alcohol and acids) if desired.

Dried probiotic powders VS live probiotic culture

Live probiotic fermented products such as water kefir are considered functional foods because they offer enzymes, pre-digested nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, calories/energy and billions of probiotics. Probiotic pill supplements and powders contain just one or a select variety of bacteria, and usually that's it. It's always better to eat something in its whole form when possible, because each part makes the other more digestible. This is why companies are now adding fiber back into cereals and fruit juices, and citric acid into calcium - you often need all the parts to assimilate nutrients correctly.

But really, why is water kefir so good for me?

It is loaded with valuable enzymes, easily digestible sugars, beneficial acids, vitamins and minerals. Water kefir is also generally suitable for some diabetics (though personal discretion is advised). It also is a nice option if you are trying to avoid the caffeine present in some kombuchas (ours does not contain caffeine), but still seeking a probiotic drink. Water kefir supplies your body with billions of healthy bacteria and yeast strains. Some store-bought probiotic foods or supplements can help, but they are not as potent, and do not contain the beneficial yeasts usually (just bacteria). Within your body there are already billions of bacteria and yeast. Your internal microflora support proper digestion, synthesis of vitamins and minerals, and your immune system by warding off foreign and harmful bacteria, yeast and viruses. It has thus long been known to promote and aid in digestion and overall health. Some studies show it may be anti-mutagenic and help manage free radicals in the body. Folic acid (and B vitamins) increases as the length of the ferment increases. Kefir may also help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. As with most things we've personally found, food and health is too difficult to reduce to facts and statistics. While kefir is not a magic bullet for health (what is) we believe kefir has a myriad of possible health benefits, and those will be individual for everyone. Some feel it helps them digest better, others get colds and viruses less often, some get more energy, and some people feel nothing much in particular, but enjoy the taste and value of it over store-bought yogurt, kombucha or kefir.

Is milk kefir beneficial too?

The short answer here is yes. This is because what works for one person, may or may not work for you. We do not manufacture milk kefir but that is not to say we dont see the benefit in that aswell. Milk kefir has some wonderful health benefits, but those cannot be enjoyed if you are simply sensitive to milk in general. Water kefir is simply another probiotic beverage option that is dairy free and which has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some people decide neither beverage works for them, but they find fermented veggies or milk kefir does. So simply, find what works for you and get those good probiotics into you whatever way you can to help improve gut health and wellbeing! We love our water kefir <3

Is water kefir a good option for those with candida overgrowth?

Many people experiencing Candida issues have reported that Kefir has been beneficial for them. Kefir is a balanced symbiotic relationship of both bacteria and yeast, which is also what we strive to achieve within our bodies for optimum health. Kefir grains and kefir itself does not contain Candida Albicans and has no reason to aggravate the symptoms of Candida. Some sources say that the kefir yeast can even help to decrease the candida yeast. But as with all things, the best advice we can give is to listen to your own body's response to kefir over time and determine if your health seems to improve, remain stable or if your symptoms are aggravated by Kefir (in which case you should take a break and try again at a later time).

Can i use water kefir if i have digestive problems?

Many people have shared that it has helped a wide range of problems from acid reflux to GERD to bloating to intestinal issues. If you have an ulcer, it may not be advisable to drink this until the ulcer has healed (due to the acidic nature of kefir). All of the microflora and easily digestible nutrients in general make kefir a very good option for those with digestive problems. Some people have reported better digestion when they have a small glass before a meal. The carbonation and properties of kefir can even act as a digestive aid and/or stimulant. If you are experiencing pain or gas this could possibly be because your system is sluggish and the stimulating nature of kefir can be too harsh for some (in this case, start with drinking just a spoonful and work your way up slowly so your body can adapt). Again, the best advice we can give is to listen to your own body's response to kefir over time and determine if your health seems to improve, remain stable or if your symptoms are aggravated by Kefir (in which case you should take a break and try again at a later time).

Is water kefir appropriate for everyone?

The best advice we can give is to listen to your own body's response to kefir over time and determine if your health seems to improve, remain stable or if your symptoms are aggravated by Kefir (in which case you should take a break and try again at a later time). More doesn't always = better, either. Drink what feels reasonable, sometimes a small amount can be more beneficial than a large amount. As with most things, moderation is truly key. All of the microflora and easily digestible nutrients in general make kefir a very good option for most. The carbonation and acidic properties of kefir can aggravate a sluggish, tired, weakened or injured digestive system, so be sure to slow down or temporarily stop your consumption if you feel any pain or discomfort (in this case, start with drinking just a spoonful and work your way up slowly so your body can adapt). If you have an ulcer and/or feel any pain, it may be best to address that first (aloe, bananas, soothing foods) and then come back to stronger foods like kefir at a later point. Always use your own common sense and do not ignore your gut instincts! We also advise speaking to your health care professional if your unsure.

Kefir grains? is that a gluten grain? What are these "grains" composed of?

Totally gluten free, the word grains can be confusing but there is no connection with any primary food group grains. The grains specifically are a symbiotic relationship in the form of small white/clear jelly like crystals. These forms are billions of living probiotics with many different strains of beneficial bacteria and yeast which produce lactic acid, carbon dioxide and ethanol when consuming the sugars. The bulk of the grain that you see is a matrix of insoluble polysaccharides (complex sugars), mostly due to the L. casei and L. Brevis in it. It does not produce the stringy kefiran that milk kefir's grains produce, which is a protective mucus that is predominately soluble polysaccharides. The grains themselves are strained out of the product at the final stage of production and whats left is a highly potent and delicious tasting naturally bubbly drink full of amazing goodness from nature! (can you tell we love it? )

Does water kefir contain alcohol?

Short answer is yes its possible.  We do test absolutely every batch for alcohol content here at Rainbow Living probiotics,  and at different stages and in weeks to come too and have never returned a reading. 

Long answer: It has been found in a couple studies its possible to contain about 0.038% - 2% alcohol, or 16-38 g/L (grams per litre) or less. With the normal amount being around .08 or less (for a 48-hour ferment) which is very minuscule. This is on studies of Kefir that has not been stored in the fridge and ripened for a few days as it can continue to increase in alcohol,(we don't do this and do not recommend doing this with any fermented product.) The increased content in these studies is still  not a huge amount (max 2%-3%) it merely will change the taste to a more off tasting beverage with miniscule alcohol content. For reference, beer contains about 4-7% and wine 8-14%. Because kefir contains bacteria (and not just yeast like beer or wine) the amount of alcohol kefir can produce is very limited by the acetic bacterium which convert the alcohol (produced by the yeasts) to beneficial acids instead.

Can pets have water kefir?

This can depend on the pet, so please consult a veterinarian if you are seriously considering this for professional advice. My own personal research suggests Yes, Just like people, some take to it more than others, and some benefit from it more than others. In our own opinion it is probably more healthy for your pets to consume milk kefir than water kefir because of the slight sugar content, but a little once in a while is beneficial for them due to the probiotics and other nutrients within it. Let your pet decide if they like it for themselves, and monitor for any reactions at the start.

What if i am having adverse reactions to drinking kefir?

If you believe you're having a major allergic reaction (extremely rare) stop consuming it and see your health care professional,  Otherwise, wait at least 3-4 days and try again to see if the symptoms return. Always start out with small amounts of anything new, especially if you have a sensitive or reactive system. Sometimes this can be an indication that your body is struggling to find a new balance with this new food. There are many who believe this can be a 'herxheimer' reaction, where the body is detoxing due to the loads of probiotics in kefir. Do your best to listen to your body and your gut instinct. The internet and your health care provider do not make up for the invaluable ability to trust and listen to your own individual body. If it feels wrong, stop consuming the kefir and try again later. If it feels like you are just re-adjusting, try drinking it gradually (refer to 'How much kefir should I drink'). Kefir is believed to be a digestive stimulant, and may prove to be too stimulating for those with a sluggish, fatigued or otherwise delayed digestive system. In this situation its best to drink very small amounts (and gradually increase over time if desired), with the best times usually being alone or at the beginning of a meal, otherwise it may cause pain, bloating, gas etc.

Is it safe to drink while pregnant?

The short answer (in my opinion) is yes,  If your concern is alcohol, then please see FAQ question: does kefir contain alcohol ie It has very minimal alcohol if any. In regards to the probiotic effects, if you are used to consuming fermented foods then just continue as normal. If it’s a new food/beverage for you and you are not used to any probiotic foods or supplements, I’d recommend introducing it very slowly. Try a small amount on a spoon each day and see if it cause any kind of reaction. The issue with fermented foods some people have is that it can cause a ‘die off’ effect, as the beneficial bacteria and yeasts go in and do their thing. It may be unpleasant to you and if so if you feel unpleasant, back off and introduce it even more slowly. I’d suggest limiting your consumption to 1/2 cup- 1 cup a day only to see how it sits with you, since it is a very cleansing beverage. Its a good idea to save the deeper cleansing (every day high doses for eg) for when you are finished with pregnancy and lactation, but it is safe to enjoy a small amount. It can benefit you during your pregnancy and it’s a very good idea to be getting those good bacteria into you for your baby. We always recommend that if your still not sure or unhappy with our response, simply listen to your body or check with your doctor or a holistic doctor for further advice.

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Food safety and quality testing

Rainbow Living Probiotics is proud to give our stamp of approval to each and every one of our products. And we mean it, your safety and well being is very important to us - all of our products go through rigorous quality control checks during and after the manufacturing process.
We have a strict hygiene policy, food safety plans, we have had our product lab tested for quality, nutritional information and shelf life, alcohol content testing for every batch and adhere to all NSW Food Authority requirements for HACCP, record keeping, food safety and contamination prevention. We have a food safety supervisor and we are a registered manufacturer with the NSW Food Authority.
This all is to ensure the safety of all our clients and customers and to make sure they get the best product possible. If you have any questions about our process or want to speak with a service rep, please contact us today.

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